ASAPS (Advanced Stories Authoring and Presentation System)


ASAPS (Advanced Stories Authoring and Presentation System)
Developed by Hartmut Koenitz during his PhD. studies at Georgia Tech ASAPS is meant to showcase the creative potential of the IDN form. Though used by Koenitz in multiple courses this tool was never publicly released and remains in advanced stages of beta. It is available on demand and runs its products via communication with a Flash runtime engine. ASAPS is notable for its combination of nodes and links authoring structure with a variety of additional elements called beats meant to comfortably integrate relevant aspects of IDN works (e.g. conversation choices inventory items global variables) and for being the only academic tool that's the subject of a paper analyzing the corpus of products made with it.
Form filler
Yotam Shibolet
Creator and affiliation
Dr. Hartmut Koenitz
Current ownership type
Academic ownership
Year of first release
End-product media type(s)
Visual imagery + text
Main target audience(s)
Available modes of creation
Nodes and links creation mode (e.g. Twine)
Role of coding in creative process
Life status
Dormant/In limbo (doesn't meet either requirement for 'alive' status but still available)
Product portal + Koenitz Hartmut and Kun-Ju Chen. "Genres structures and strategies in interactive digital narratives–analyzing a body of works created in ASAPS." International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Homepage URL
Reference citations/URL(s)
Koenitz Hartmut. "Extensible tools for practical experiments in idn: the advanced stories authoring and presentation system." International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2011.

Koenitz Hartmut and Kun-Ju Chen. "Genres structures and strategies in interactive digital narratives–analyzing a body of works created in ASAPS." International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2012.

Koenitz Hartmut. "An iterative approach towards interactive digital narrative–early results with the advanced stories authoring and presentation system." International Conference on Web-Based Learning. Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2012.
Use license cost
Available only open request from the owner
Publishing license model
Limited scope (e.g. within a specifically defined platform)
Programming language written in
Author-facing programming/scripting language(s)
ASML (XML-based markup language)
Authoring tool work platform(s)
End-product work platform(s)
PC/Macintosh support
Browser support
Available supporting technical resource(s)
Fully Self-contained
Interoperable export is possible
Primary design focus
Nodes & links (linking between individual segments e.g. Twine)
Primary authoring action(s)
Navigating text menus
Main interface window(s)
Individual lexia editor
Nodes & links graph
Customization menus
2D graphics editor
Designable general element(s)
Nodes and links structure (any medium)
Environmental/Character States
Designable narrative specific element(s)
Dialogue trees
State-triggered story events
Inventory timed events choice interaction
Built-in preset element(s)
Layout presets of the final product
Customizable characters
Extendable nodes
Menu presets
Overall difficulty assessment
Medium authoring difficulty
Work environment/design interface intuitiveness
Not intuitive
Learning curve complexity
Moderate to learn
Advanced authoring complexity
Medium complexity
Depth of advanced authoring
Medium depth
Degree of narrative specific emphasis
Central narrative-specific emphasis
Role of procedural authoring
Optional procedural authoring
Types of available procedural authoring
Counters randomization
End-product control interface
Mouse & keyboard