

Texture is a browser-based authoring tool that focuses on “word-on-word interaction” which involves creating actions that can be used to trigger behaviours when dragged onto a word within a page. These behaviours can involve changing values of flags replacing or adding text to the current page or conditionally jumping to another page. The emphasis is on ease of authoring ease of playing and ease of publishing. The tool was initially intended as a way to explore the “possibility space between Inform and Twine” and to allow for interaction on a touch screen device.
Form filler
Alex Mitchell
Creator and affiliation
Juhana Leinonen and Jim Munroe
Current ownership type
Fully private
Year of first release
End-product media type(s)
Interactive text
Main target audience(s)
Creative people (no programming skills)-targeted tool
Available modes of creation
Nodes and links creation mode (e.g. Twine)
Role of coding in creative process
Life status
Dormant/In limbo (doesn't meet either requirement for 'alive' status but still available)
Product portal
Homepage URL
Use license cost
Free license
Programming language written in
Author-facing programming/scripting language(s)
pull-down menus
Authoring tool work platform(s)
End-product work platform(s)
Browser support
Fully Self-contained
Primary design focus
Nodes & links (linking between individual segments e.g. Twine)
Primary authoring action(s)
Manipulating extendable objects\blocks (e.g. Twine)
Navigating text menus
Main interface window(s)
Individual lexia editor
Designable general element(s)
Nodes and links (any medium)
Hypertext Paragraphs
Overall difficulty assessment
Work environment/design interface intuitiveness
Highly intuitive
Learning curve complexity
Low learning curve
Advanced authoring complexity
Medium complexity
Depth of advanced authoring
Medium depth
Degree of narrative specific emphasis
Nonexistent narrative-specific emphasis
Role of procedural authoring
Optional procedural authoring
Types of available procedural authoring
actions on text conditions and rules
End-product control interface
Mouse & keyboard i