

HypeDyn is a tool for authoring node-and-link based stories with support for the inclusion of procedural elements such as conditional links procedural change of node content and procedurally generated links (“sculptural hypertext”). It was originally developed in 2009 as a free substitute for StorySpace and used internally in the Department of Communications and New Media (CNM) for teaching interactive storytelling. Unreleased variations have been developed to support mobile stories and “thematic” links. A reimplemented version was released in 2015 and has been used for teaching and the development of a small number of publicly released works.
Form filler
Alex Mitchell
Creator and affiliation
Alex Mitchell Narrative and Play Research Studio National University of Singapore
Current ownership type
Academic ownership
Year of first release
End-product media type(s)
Interactive text
Main target audience(s)
Creative people (no programming skills)-targeted tool
Available modes of creation
Nodes and links creation mode (e.g. Twine)
Role of coding in creative process
Life status
Dormant/In limbo (doesn't meet either requirement for 'alive' status but still available)
Product portal
Homepage URL
Reference citations/URL(s)
Mitchell Alex and Kevin McGee. "Designing hypertext tools to facilitate authoring multiple points-of-view stories." Proceedings of the 20th ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia. 2009.
Mitchell Alex. "The HypeDyn procedural hypertext fiction authoring tool." Intelligent Narrative Technologies 7 (2016).
Mitchell Alex. "Using Theme to Author Hypertext Fiction." International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Springer Cham 2016.
Use license cost
Free license
Programming language written in
scheme + javascript (v1) Scala + javascript (v2)
Author-facing programming/scripting language(s)
pull-down menus
Authoring tool work platform(s)
End-product work platform(s)
Browser support
Fully Self-contained
Primary design focus
Nodes & links (linking between individual segments e.g. Twine)
Primary authoring action(s)
Manipulating extendable objects\blocks (e.g. Twine)
Navigating text menus
Main interface window(s)
Nodes & links graph
Designable general element(s)
Nodes and links (any medium)
Hypertext Paragraphs
Overall difficulty assessment
Work environment/design interface intuitiveness
Highly intuitive
Learning curve complexity
Low learning curve
Advanced authoring complexity
Medium complexity
Depth of advanced authoring
Medium depth
Degree of narrative specific emphasis
Nonexistent narrative-specific emphasis
Role of procedural authoring
Optional procedural authoring
Types of available procedural authoring
conditions on links and text within nodes
End-product control interface
Mouse & keyboard i